Roast my landing page, pls

Could you rate my landing and dashboard pages? I'm working on improving the design now.
Go ahead and roast it, praise it, or even adore it.
Just share what's on your mind.

Dashboard: The alt image text

Say whatever you want

  1. 2

    Hey Daniel,

    The headline isn't as compelling as your mission below. I would lead with "revolutionizing learning through AI and blockchain technology." short and sweet and attention grabbing. I want to scroll to learn more and see how you're doing that. Good luck!

    1. 1

      Thank you so much! great feedback, will def change that

      1. 2

        I should add that my background is marketing, so I'm not just shooting in the dark there with my comment :) hope all goes well.

  2. 1

    The site overall looks decent but you need to do some adjustments-:

    1. Create a separate "About Us" section.
    2. Rather than using "Watch a Video" section, put that video on the website itself. That will attract a lot more attention of the audiences.
    3. The colour theme of the entire website can be improved for sure.
  3. 1

    Is the entire idea to give me a cert on a block chain?
    Why a dark theme? Are you selling to big corp? That's the video feeling boring big corp, wast of time, lifeless bot module, can't even consume your sales pitch without sound. 0 editing, boring presentation

    Empowering Lifelong
    Professional Growth through
    Tailored Learning.

    Again very corporate, probably shouldn't end with a '.', not sure of the word selection, at the end of this IDK what you are, some add-on on top of a learning process, IDK what you offer, if it was all a business card and your CTA was scheduled a call I'd get it as high ticket system you don't have to tell me much about, but the try now with a reg box is a contradiction, IDK what I'm trying or why I should give you my details, I'd rather have some more images of the product and/or demo mode

    1. 1

      Thank you so much for the genuine feedback, will definitely change the CTA to schedule a call. Its basically a corporate training portal that has AI integrated to check your knowledge and give a faster and more in-depth training video if AI assess you as an advanced in the matter, and a longer, more descriptive and super explanatory for the topics you didn't know well. Saving time for people that have 10 years experience in the field and dont need to go through all of the basic stuff and lose 10 hours for it.

  4. 1

    Nice, crisp, clean, dial down the use of that strong blue, use more lighter blue, perhaps darker grey too

    1. 1

      thank you Beetroot, appreciated

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