Why you're not interested in Podcasts?

Hey IH,

Podcast doesn't grow as big as video-based or text-based content. As building a startup looking at the audio space, I would love to find out why many people don't listen to podcasts.

🗳 Vote below or drop me a comment about what you feel about podcast!

Reasons I don't listen to podcasts
  1. A entire episode is too long
  2. It's too hard to discover new good series/episodes
  3. Too much chitchat, not great for efficient learning
  4. I don't like audio in general
  5. All of the above!
  1. 3

    For me, I don't want to listen to long episodes. The reason why I like two podcasts which are short and related to the SaaS Industry.

    These are SaaS Interviews by Nathan Latka and The Bootstrapped Founder by Arvid Kahl. Nathan Latka asks to the point questions and is very concise.

    If you want to read summaries from The Bootstrapped Founder - https://twitter.com/ArvidKahlBot shares it.

    1. 2

      Love this comment, also a fan of Arvid Kahl's content on Twitter.
      Would love to gather around more short podcasts related to indie hackers!

    2. 1

      Latka is a freaking savage. I love how he doesn‘t tolerate any BS at all.

      1. 1

        He certainly is. I really like his approach while digging in the financial metrics like MRR, ARR, churn, segments of customers, funding, valuation etc.

  2. 3

    I don't have a commute anymore and I can't multi-task if I'm listening to something that has words. When I work, I can only listen to instrumental audio (movie or game soundtracks, something like Brain.fm, or a number of electronic study music playlists). I only listen to podcasts when I drive, and I don't drive very much anymore.

    1. 1

      Didn't know Brain.fm before, checking out now. But WFH makes less commute is a solid situation.

  3. 2

    I don't like audio in general. When driving, my radio is always off (can't stand adverts). When I listen to music, it's my own playlist so I don't have to listen to the 95% of garbage music out there. When I listen to people talk it is of my own time and choosing. I have listened to a few podcasts, but I can't give it my full attention if I'm doing something else, so audio-only input comes secondary to something like a video, where I have visuals along with auditory input.

    1. 1

      Interesting! However, do you mind watching those videos that have minimal visuals like still image + subtitle?

      1. 1

        Not for me in that case

  4. 2

    I have some off-time during commute for which podcasts are a good fit — but that space is already filled with the few awesome podcasts I listened to for some 8-10 years now. I experiment with new stuff on occasion, but they often disappoint and it’s still a lot of great sounding episodes I don’t get to from my regular stuff.

    It’s just one person’s perspective for sure but maybe others are the same way and we’ve reached peak podcast in the sense that people already picked their favorites?

    1. 1

      Podcasts are like radio channels maybe? once you got your pick you don't really move between anymore.

  5. 2

    I'd select #1 and #3

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