Should you outsource some of your marketing 🤔

Been having this question for days and wanted to run it by the community.
So I've built a marketingmatrix.club in hopes of helping founders find the best way they could invest money into marketing.
but the question is "Does outsourcing marketing make sense?"

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    I know that some enterprises hire agencies for their creative.

    But a lot of companies hire in-house. Incentives, equity... you know the deal. Having a CMO that stays with you for 5 years is invaluable.

    But... hiring a marketing consultant is a very common thing.

    What do you think?

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    Yes, outsourcing marketing can be a smart move, especially for startups and small to medium-sized businesses. It can provide access to specialized skills, cost savings, and scalability. However, the decision to outsource marketing should be based on the company's needs, resources, and the agency's alignment with their objectives.

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    "Does outsourcing marketing make sense?"

    In my opinion it's the wrong question.
    Rather, at what point(s) in my companies life does outsourcing make sense?

    And the answer, unfortunately, depends on the company.

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    As a bootstrapped founder, I have no budget for hiring a marketing expert BUT I can afford paying $150/month to a marketing subscription service which gives me 4-8 actionable instructions every month. The provider looks at my website and suggests blog post topics, website and copy improvements. I have to build them myself, but just having somebody who tells you WHAT to do is already worth it.

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    One of my mentors always told me to do my own sales and marketing at the beginning. I wouldn't outsource the marketing itself but I could see the possibility of enlisting the help of a VA with things like research, or posting on a few sites, more manual things.

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