Reusing reddit content

I wanted to do make something around reddit content, but not sure what the guidelines are regarding copyright etc. I have already checked their help center and it was not helpful in providing an answer.

I know people make youtube videos from reddit posts by reading out threads and turning that into a video. I wanted to make a collection of multiple posts or comments (some hundreds; far below 1K) and then repurpose that in different format.

Does anyone know if there are some rules against this?

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    As long as you don't pass it off as your original content, it should be fine. I ran a newsletter a few years ago where each email featured a story I got somewhere from the internet, usually reddit. I just linked the post at the bottom of the newsletter. Curating content isn't wrong, and it can actually be really profitable. You just have to credit the OP.

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      I'll add though this only works for public content. Obviously if you pay for a book and then try to sell that book as an e-book, that's violating copyright. But if it's available to the public already and you're adding additional value either through curation or analysis, crediting the OP should be enough.

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        Thanks for your answer @allison!

        Yes, to be clear, this is regarding public posts on reddit. Your answer helps.

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    Let me comment on here because I am still looking for any insight --

    has anyone built anything with reddit content before?

    What did you learn?

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