Does anyone try to build commercial libraries or tools on top of Django?

I would like to see if it's viable to build a profitable business on top of the Django ecosystem. What do you build?

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    I don't know what you're definition of "viable" is but my product SaaS Pegasus is a SaaS template / boilerplate specifically geared towards Django developers and has been averaging about $1500 / month. The overwhelming majority of my customers are people specifically interested in building something with Python (and sometimes Django) and with Python continuing to grow in popularity I don't think that segment of people is going away anytime soon.

    If anything, I find it surprising how few commercial products for Django there are when, e.g. something like Laravel has an entire ecosystem around it. I think there's a lot of untapped opportunity in the Django space and I'd definitely bet on the framework (as I obviously have) moving forwards.

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    I think Sentry is a great example of a business that started off as an open source project for Django. It's still open source now but they have also turned it into a product for a large number of other languages etc.

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