Does this tweet structure work if you aren’t Naval?

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    It can work for non-Navals but probably not without already having a large audience.

    Generally it seems that as your audience size grows, new types of content become available to you — provided they fit your "brand."

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    I think anyone could make the style work, it would just have to be tailored to something you have specific knowledge of.

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    "probably not without already having a large audience." + 1

    My tweets scrolled through by 20-30 people, so even if I share the solution to covid. No-one would noticed.

    I doubt it's the structure or Naval, his profile is a gathering place for others. Twitter doesn't care if you are being smart on your own profile. If you make your response to the top there, you'll get thousands/millions of impressions. That's close the gambling addiction. People keep returning back to this "deep" knowledge base to be the winner of 5 minutes of fame. To prove they are superior, to request the same attention. bla bla bla and it's not limited to Naval for sure, Twitter I believe built or works that way.

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      even if I share the solution to covid. No-one would noticed.

      I would retweet you 🙂

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        🙏🙏🙏 tytyty

        edit:: I genuinely curious to hear the arguments for this tweet getting 20K responses.

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    I love his Twitter, but everything about it is so spartan and minimalist. No bio. Not following anyone. A 10% drawn face for a profile pic. Many tweets like this are very succinct, even for Twitter.

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