Anyone used Puppeteer for Web Scraping? Whats your coolest project?

I've recently started using Puppeteer and Node.js for web scraping and am finding the power and flexibility you get with it amazing. Of course you need to write a bit of code but its very simple and the browser emulation you get with it is great for javascript heavy websites. I'm currently using it on some more difficult to scrape sites like social media etc.

Interested to hear if anyone else has experience and what you've used it for

  1. 1

    I have never used Puppeteer, I always use Cheerio for web scraping, I will try it!

  2. 1

    I tried using Puppeteer for HTML to pdf conversion and but the thing was I had to use Nodejs with it so switched to Playwright which I can use with Python.

  3. 1

    At @supermonitoring we use Puppeteer for page speed and transaction monitoring.

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