Share your discounts and promotions with IHers! [Thrifty Thursday]

Perhaps, there is an IHer out there who would like to use your product. Perhaps, you are offering a promotion to recruit new users. Perhaps, this is a serendipitous moment we should take advantage of!

So if you've got a discount or promotion going, please...

  • Share your product + link.
  • Explain promotion.
  • Leave a tip or feedback if you have thoughts on someone else's product.
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    Get a lifetime free plan during the launching month of Fokash

    Fokash: Let your mind blossom, harness the power of journaling

    The simplest thing you can do to start your day happier by focusing on the positive and becoming more mindful. Fokash will lead you down a path toward an enhanced version of the person you already are. Every amazing day in one look.

    Happy journaling ;)

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    I've got two promos on currently but have not started active marketing for either yet.


    I have finally got my wordpress hosting side line going on and am offering a choice of lifetime deals . Unlike your typical hosting LTD I'm actually charging a lot more and not being unlimited either as I plan to make a profit from it. Offering too much for too low a price just looks risky so I am trying a different approach.

    The other deal is for solo or small creative / design agencies to bundle hosting and managed service (setting up the sites for them etc to save them time). That's a monthly plan as that needs the additional ongoing relationship but bundle is 25% off for those joining in 2022.

    Interested to know what people think of either offering. Might even throw in a 10% discount for fellow IHers that might need it in the future.

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