July 2021 Retrospective: SaaS Pegasus, Place Card Me & Chat Stats

Here's July's retrospective for my portfolio of products.

Total profit: $5728 (down 12%)

🚀 SaaS Pegasus: $3723
💟 Place Card Me: $1873
💬 Chat Stats: $131


✅ Ship a major Pegasus release.

I added a new version featuring Stripe Checkout and user impersonation.

❌ Ship a major piece of content.

I drafted several but hated them all, eventually unblocking myself by lowering my standards. But haven't shipped it yet.

With Pegasus, I'm adopting the "shipping as marketing" playbook I've seen Derrick Reimer crush with SavvyCal. Using a monthly "product updates" email to keep my list warm and impress people with continued progress. Bonus: it's a great incentive to keep shipping consistently!

Also, the Pegasus community is really starting to gel! It's exciting to see this happening after years of very slow growth.

In Place Card Me land, I got the results back from an A/B test I was running on a new landing page. The new page increased clicks to try it by 10% (from 58% to 64%). Pretty impressive gains!

Last but not least, I added a search messages feature to Chat Stats, and MRR is up 12x in a single month!*

To the moon! 🚀

*from 83 cents to $9.96.

Here's my complete timespend for the month. It also includes:

🧱 dealing with a bricked laptop
🏄 getting back into surfing...
⛰️ ...and hiking

For all the gory details - and a bonus update on my trip down an ivermectin rabbit hole - you can read the full retro here: Diversification

posted to
Income Reports
on August 2, 2021
  1. 2

    Thanks for sharing this Cory! Always enjoy reading your monthly updates :)

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      Thanks Monica. Right back at you. :)

  2. 1

    Very interesting! Congratulations on these figures and thank you for sharing.

    May I ask you if you still have a job on top of these businesses?

    1. 1


      I don't have a job - though I do a bit of consulting. I've was working part-time (~50%) for a company for the last 4 years while building up these businesses, and just made the leap to full independence last month!

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