âš¡ [Pre Launch] I'm launching my pet project - a browser game for learning the Vue.js framework

Hi guys 👋

I'm excited to say that today I've launched my pet project for learning the Vue.js framework.

Vue Quest (https://vue.quest/) - it's a game that represents a unique world (Vuesteria) where you will unravel the secrets of Vue.js while discovering the wonders of a realm filled with knights, magic, and grand adventures. Immerse yourself in a world of enchantment and technology, where ancient castles stand tall amidst breathtaking landscapes. Embark on a quest to master Vue.js as you explore the diverse regions of Vuestria, from mystical forests to bustling towns.

The project was created in terms of simplifying learning the Vue.js framework. The idea was born based on the fact that the best way to learn something new is through playing.

At the moment it's in a pre-launch state, so you can join the waitlist 😉

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