Fear of competition before launch 💀

You are creating a product. You have built it's website nicely, perfected all the user flows, settled up the funnels. You are excited & glad that you're going to launch your own product.

Now, very close to launching, suddenly a thought kicks in. What thought?
Fear of competition. Will my product stand in the crowded marketplace? I have put hard work to build my product, what if it didn't get successful?

And that's the scenario I'm in right now. Not sure if it's happening with me alone or most people experience the same.
Let me know about this in the comments if you relate to this situation.

posted to
One Person Businesses
on April 6, 2023
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    Everyone has this same fear. You can do it sir! Stay strong and power one. Get to launch faster.

    Your question is about competition. Right now, you do not have any competition and you are not a competitor because you are not in the game until you launch and get the word out.

    Get in the game, you can do it. We are rooting for you

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      Thanks for the words of power!! 🤗
      Let's do it.

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    I think everyone worries about competition. That's no reason not to try. Everything worth doing is competitive. It's important to remember that what you're doing is an experiment, to see if people find your work valuable -- at every step, you're just trying to gather a little more data. If your work fails, that's data -- use it to move one step closer to a better product. Run the next experiment.

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