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Applying for EXIST Gründerstipendium

Is there anyone interested in joining me for the EXIST Gründerstipendium?


I am building a social network for the health care sector that connects users based on their individual goals. We would be starting with the professional side of health care and eventually be connecting these professionals with the patient side.

The recommendation system, which powers the social network, is based on model that is specific to the health care sector; this allows users to find desired contacts faster and more accurately than alternative networks.

I am currently finishing my Masterarbeit in this area (at Uni Hamburg) and am looking for someone that understands how to design algorithms. Someone who is a software developer would also be helpful. My background is in international trade and health care.

We have a development partner that has a pool of users for us to test the prototype as well as a few potential clients for initial sales.

If anyone is interested, I would be happy to share the idea.

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