Let's A/B Test Each Other's Website One Liners

Let's play a game.

Write nothing except two versions of your website's headline and one liner. In some cases these might be one in the same.

Choose A or B based on the one you find most clear and compelling, and feel free to offer a brief explanation why.

I'll start.

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Writing Feedback
on April 24, 2020
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      I prefer A. I think B doesn't make clear that you get discounts back with the Karma you get, and leaving money on the table doesn't sound like a good thing if it isn't clear that I will get it back later.

      Hope this helps!

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        Thank you @guimcaballero I appreciate the feedback, and totally makes sense. I think sometimes you hear people say "Ok describe your startup in 10 words", or some low word count, and you try to do that, but mine I feel is too complex and loses the essence in translation.

        So to hear the longer form makes a better connection with it's clarity than the "intrigue" (or perhaps confusion) of option B, is good feedback for me!

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