Need ideas: How do I make web scraping sexy?

I have a SaaS product that makes web scraping super easy.

So many times when I see other products, I can't help but think, damn if I can just make this one new feature by using my own scraping tool, this product could be even better!

Unfortunately, I'm having a hard time conveying that. I don't really have any real customer acquisition channels. Before I invest in content or paid marketing, I'd love to have that "it" factor in my offering, so that potential customers see in it, what I see in it :)

I need to make web scraping sexier. I want to remove people's hesitation (yes, in most cases it IS legal as evidenced by numerous supreme court rulings) and show them how easily they can use it to expand their own products.

Any ideas?

  1. 2

    There needs to be a nocode web scraping tool. That will make it sexy.

    1. 1

      I like the way you think. I'm gonna do this.

  2. 1

    Its 2 years on (march 2023), did you progress with this idea?

    There are many web scraping tools out there and they are all either / or both:

    • clunky/complicated or
    • an over-promise (e.g. browser.ai -- unable to handle a simple directory listing scape)
  3. 1

    What is your product @JosephFritz? Can you share?

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