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Meet Max at the next Indie London event and learn how he built a $1m remote business with no-code

Hi Londoners,

I am soon welcoming my friend Max from IGotAnOffer.com on the stage of Indie London - the London community of indie hackers.

I will be hosting the next Indie London event on Monday the 9th of December at Cloudflare, Inc. (County Hall - Waterloo).

🔜 https://www.meetup.com/Indie-Ldn/events/266210603/

Max will share the story behind IGotAnOffer.com:

👨‍💼 How he combined a full-time job while working on a side - project

📈 How he made the jump to go full-time and grew IGAO to $70k MRR

🌍 How he built IGAO without technical skills and hired a fully remote team

Plus, I am trying something new with this event.

For the second half of the evening, we will have informal round-table discussions based on the most common struggles faced by indie makers:

💡 How do you find and validate the right idea?

🕰 How do you find time to work on your project?

💸 How do you acquire your first 100 customers?

There are already 81 attendees signed-up, so make sure to RSVP today: https://www.meetup.com/Indie-Ldn/events/266210603/

Looking forward to see you there :-)

  1. 1

    Can you post the recording here? Would love to know his story.

    A friend of mine built a same biz by the way (doing $100k/month): https://productizedstartups.com/making-100000-month-helping-graduates-land-consulting-positions/

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