My reddit posting process

Hi everyone! hope your week is going great so far!

I have been using Reddit to acquire sign-ups for my newsletter and I thought I can share a couple of places that work for user acquisition for me. Reddit is a pretty good place to get some sign-ups, users for your products, or get feedback.

Just to give you some context, I currently write a newsletter about design, marketing, and creativity tips for makers and founders (You can subscribe if you'd like!). These are general startup/biz orientated subreddits I post in and have gotten sign-ups from. I don't have stellar posts with a bunch of upvotes every week, but I try to post on a weekly basis and get sign-ups.


Since I work on a newsletter, I usually share a short post ( 65% of the content of my newsletter) that sums up my newsletter issue, with a link at the very end or beginning. This has worked for me to gather sign-ups. Usually, for each week, I have an infographic. if the sub allows me to post pictures, I will post the infographic along with the post. Usually, this helps!


This is something I am starting to do a bit more. Make small edits to the titles and subtitles of my posts to make them more appealing to specific subs. I study what posts are in each sub. and then adjust my titles/ subtitles a bit so that it looks more relevant. For example, for marketing subreddits, the title can be more marketing-related. for business subreddits, more about business, etc.


r/SideProject, r/IMadeThis, r/indiebiz

r/Sideproject is nice and allows pictures. I find this sub to be a nice one to post in. I see lots of folks from IH or Twitter post in r/indiebiz as well! (I try to upvote whenever I recognize a maker : )

r/startup, r/EntrepreneurRideAlong

r/startup is a little more strict on promotions. Sometimes my posts get removed and I have a feeling there might be a restriction where it doesn't allow you to share the same link over a certain period of days. r/EntrepreneurRideAlong is better to post in my opinion.

r/marketing, r/digital_marketing/, ...etc etc

It seems like the marketing subreddits share the same mod. Sometimes when I make posts across multiple marketing subreddits, some get removed. So I have a feeling there might be some rules about cross-posting. The mod is very active on discord (you can find the invite in the subreddits) so you can check in with him there.

Additional things to think about

  • Check the rules for each sub on the right-hand side
  • Each sub is different. Tailor each post for each sub helps
  • Post on small subs first, and then move to bigger subs
  • If you are not sure about self-promoting or don't want to be banned... don't include links (at least in the post)
  • If you get banned, posts get removed, try not to feel bad. It happens.

This is a quick summary of what works for me. If you are posting Reddit and having tons of success I would love to hear about it in the comments! Hope this helps!

  1. 2

    Interesting. Could you link to a couple of your posts on reddit? Especially ones that you received good results with

    1. 2

      sure, here is one from a while back:


      if you check my profile on Reddit, I have some others pinned! hope that helps

  2. 1

    Started using this strategy Hua. It's been good for my first one so far.

    Thanks for sharing the strategy!

    1. 1

      I'm so glad to hear that, Tony! No problem :D

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