Please roast my Reddit Lead Generation SaaS landing page

Landing Page Link: https://www.promotee.io

I recently change the landing page entirely, I am curious to know what landing page critics here thinks? :)

on March 19, 2024
  1. 1

    This is very useful. Reddit is a high risk high gain place to generate traffic. But I am very concerned whether it really works. This is my biggest concern. Because I know reddit is famous for restrict policies. How can you find a way to generate leads at scale? So you only need to do is to persuade me this works and I will pay subscriptions.

    1. 1

      Well, I have been using it myself for past 3 months with 3 accounts. All the customers that Promotee has (30) have come through using it itself.

      1. 1

        What is the monthly traffic brought by this way.

        1. 1

          I don't think traffic is at all a good metric to track. But to give you perspective, I get about 7-10 conversations daily, meaning I get to talk to 7-10 people who have already engaged with me by replying to my comment.

          Another interesting thing you can note is that this creates a compounding effect. I still get replies from comments done 3 months back, which implies I will be getting way more leads in the coming future.

  2. 1

    would be cool to see some output or end result examples.

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      This is one of the Reddit accounts I grew from zero to about 700 karmas, through promotee

      1. 1

        That's awesome, I was actually referring to the landing page... Why not put on there?

        1. 1

          Can't figure out how to do that

          1. 1

            I would just take a screenshot or even better incorporate it into the screencast. If not possible links to some profiles of yours would also do it... But for sure some proof would help and for me personally more important, I would want to see the output quality of the tool.

            1. 1

              Understood, https://www.indiehackers.com/post/its-easy-to-build-but-tough-to-sell-that-s-why-i-built-a-saas-to-solve-this-aebfe6fbe1

              Here I have commented about my Reddit account which acquired about 500 karma in less than 3 months of using Promotee

              1. 1

                Haha that's awesome bro. But I was referring to "Please roast my Reddit Lead
                Generation SaaS LANDING PAGE". That's why I said it's missing there 🧐👮‍♂️

  3. 1

    The design is messy, contrast is too high, the first screen load has too much going on, maybe space out the animated gif to be on the second page or reduce the extreme colouring on the titles. I don't thing it's a good font choice for the titles. Why the dot punctuation?

    The rest of the page scrolling down is better, I'd optimise the first page to be attractive to read and engage

    1. 1

      Understood, it's the readability for you right?

  4. 1

    I think I would stretch the header across the entire width of the screen, but that's my personal taste I guess. Other than that, I like it!

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