Live in, visit or commute to London?

Come say hello!

  • Who are you?
  • What are you (planning on) working on?
  • What would you love to see happening in the Indie Hacker London scene?
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    Hey all - I've probably met a few of you already.

    I'm Ramy, I work on Page Flows (pageflows.com), which is a library of user flow videos of proven products. Most customers are designers who want to learn best practices & start from a solid base when designing a user flow themselves.

    The IH scene in London is already great to be honest - I enjoy both of the meet-ups that run here and everyone is friendly and supportive.

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    I've been living in London for over 13 years now...

    I'm a freelance web developer, and I'm also trying to start my own product business helping online course creators help their students. I know, that's vague. I'm still figuring it out myself!

    I work from home so I rarely travel to central London, but I do occasionally for meetups, and Toptal events that I organise myself.

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    @crowdhailer - Kno is based in London. Hello London Hackers. :-) We are working on passwordless authentication (in Wapping). trykno.com I like networking but I really like show and tell in an informal way face to face. I guess that's why I am growing to like IH in general.

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    I am Ghyslain and have been in London for the last 4 years.

    I run Indie London, the largest event for indie hackers. We have our next event in December, y'all should come and hang out :)

    I am excited about this new group. One of the challenges we have been facing in the Indie London community is how to connect the offline events that I organize with our online profiles (on IH, on Twitter...).

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    I'm Dean Fankhauser, working on https://www.bitcompare.net

    I'm focusing on fintech / proptech and I'd like to meet interesting people / startups in the space. Both for my personal projects and for a much larger company I'm working for that wants to get much more involved in the space.

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    I'm based in Norwich but come to London regularly. Currently working on motimate.org and various other no-code projects. I'd definitely be keen to meet more indiehackers IRL as there don't seem to be any active in Norwich!

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    I'm Jack, used to be a journalist but learned to code and now full-time founder of https://www.socialwise.io/ so hopefully it turns into something.

    Current work process is reaching out to potential clients in an unscalable fashion to start, and being happy to see the application is still running every day I log on to it.

    It could already exist and I simply haven't found it - but an active Slack/Discord scene where people can bounce questions off each other and build relationships prior to physical meetups. Could help cut the small talk and save time.

    How about you @rosiesherry?

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      I'm Brighton based, I occasionally make it up to the London Meetups and other worthwhile events.

  8. 1

    I'll be in London for most of December!

    Working on SparkLoop and the Sales for Founders course.

    Very happy to meet up and chat with other indie hackers.

    Also, haven't booked a coworking space (or accommodation) yet, so any tips please let me know!

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