Anybody know of a good UI/UX designer? 🎨

We are coming to the end of our first v1 product. We are now looking to review and improve the majority of our UI UX.

Anybody used a good freelance UI/UX designer?

Someone who can come in and review our app, also create some new designs.

  1. 1

    Hey Sam - not sure if you found a designer or not. But, I'd be happy to checkout your project and see if we're a good fit.

    I run a small design agency (longweekend.xyz), you can reach me at hello (at) longweekend.xyz

  2. 1

    Hey Sam, I might be interested in checking this out. Would like to know more about your product, platforms and industry. Feel free to send me a message directly if you still need help. ([email protected])

  3. 1

    Hey, I've got 5+ years of experience in UX/ UI design.. checkout out the latest projects and mail me at ([email protected]) to schedule a call 💪


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