Ask IH: The idea of open sourcing Colors & Fonts is tempting me. Opinions?

Hello everyone!
Well, is not like I have done any open source before or something but it feels a like an interesting idea.

The idea would be redesign the whole thing and removing parts of it, like the resources pages and only make colors and fonts tools, with great features.

Is it worth it?

There is from 300 to 500 users daily.


Thank you!9

posted to
Open Source
on October 11, 2020
  1. 1

    Hi @Michael_Andreuzza,

    I have experience open sourcing stock images and it was amazing. It's been four years since we released the images and they've ended up in news outlets, corporate marketing materials, and physical billboards across the globe. If your goal is to make these assets more accessible to more people, open sourcing them is a laudible goal. I would recommend adopting a license if you haven't (we made ours available through the Creative Commons CC-BY license). Best of luck!

    1. 1

      Hey Stephanie!

      Sorry for the late reply, i guess I will have to give it a go.License? meh. I will get it if I OS it..deffinately.

      thank you!

  2. 1

    @Michael_Andreuzza, the quickest to know if something will work or not is to actually execute and experiment. You can do a trail for now or get feedback opinion from your current users. I believe that the users will be the only people who might be able to give you the best feedback.

    I experienced a similar thing for my product, ruttl.com recently. I decided to start an emailer campaign to generate feedback and understand what features to include and remove. This process has worked out great for me and I would surely recommend you try out the same.

    Hope this helps!

    1. 1

      yeah, users are always important, but they won't be affected...

  3. 1

    Hey Mike, If you strongly feel that it would help the publicity and traffic of it, then definitely do it! Then you can probably make some money by opening a Github Sponsors or BuyMeACoffee account to get donations to help support yourself.

    1. 1

      No, is not about publicity or traffic, but to do it differently. I still have not done open source, so I think it would be interesting to do.

      Like an experience... you know..

      1. 2

        Cool. I'm doing the same and just posted about my thoughts after the first week of it.

        Best of luck, dude :D

        1. 1

          I saw it ! Same man. Cheers!

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