Our growth hacking community hit 10k views with 60 sign ups in 7 days...

How would you describe growth hacking?
  1. Low-cost, highly effective marketing 👈
  2. Marketing + Dev knowledge 🖖
  3. Other... (Add in comments) 🤔
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Growth Hackers Inc
on August 10, 2021
  1. 3

    Like in the parable of the blind men and an elephant, you will get a wide variety of answers ;)

    In most companies marketers are responsible for Acquisition and aren't trusted deeper in the funnel (Acquisition -> Activation -> Revenue -> Retention -> Referral).

    Growth hacking is a cross-functional (i.e. applied to the whole funnel) use of marketing, psychology and technology to achieve business growth.

  2. 2

    The first option.

    Growth hacking is a technique that combines marketing, optimization, and development expertise to create automated marketing on a small budget.

    Think ‘hacking’ in terms of life hacks – those little shortcuts that make your life easier.

  3. 1

    Growth Hacking to me is small budget -> explosive growth. On many other occasions, it's just used to describe marketing (people still are reluctant to hear "marketing" "promotion")

  4. 1

    I am a bit surprised but not surprise that most votes went to the first option. And almost nobody mention experiments and funnel mindset.

    Curious, what would you do to get more sign-ups from the 10K views?

  5. 1

    My option is no on the above available choices. I'd say growth hacking is like gorilla warfare, you have little resources and you're using these little resources to get the maximum possible result.

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