Rising trends: gaming glasses, hunt a killer and more!

Treendly is a tool I made to discover rising trends you haven't heard of. Here are four of the latest trends we featured in our newsletter.

Gaming Glasses

Every true gamer needs good gaming glasses. If you feel that your eyes are suffering because of long gaming sessions and hours spent in front of your computer, try switching to dedicated gaming glasses that will make your eyes feel better. They can help improve clarity, glare, and provide a lighter hue that enables you to play longer than before.


Hunt a killer

Hunt a Killer, is an immersive murder mystery game that offers a gripping crime story told in a challenging, non-traditional subscription format. Use your detective skills to solve the fastest growing murder mystery subscription box.

It is a murder mystery story where your role is to become a detective and work to solve a crime. When you figure out the details and connect the dots in each episode, you'll have to email the answer to your contact at the fictional theater.


Snuffle mat

A snuffle mat is a brain game made from a rubber sink mat with fleece strips knotted through the mat's holes. You can make one yourself quite inexpensively as the only things needed are the sink mat and the fleece material.

You can use the Ruffle Snuffle mat to help your dog learn some self-control. Ask your dog to 'sit' whilst you prepare the mat in front go them. Some dogs even bury their head in the mat as they're hunting for special treats.

It consists of fleece fabric strips tied onto a rubber mat with holes in it. You hide the treats or kibble inside the curly folds, and your dog will be looking for them. Snuffle mats hit the headlines last year as a new enrichment accessory for animals of all sizes.


Chocolate bombs

Have you heard about Chocolate Bombs? They're chocolate balls, and when you pour warm milk over, they burst open with hot cocoa creating a perfect warm chocolate mix. They're ideal for fall and winter weather since the hot cocoa bomb is basically a hollow chocolate ball filled with all kinds of sweets that melt while you're drinking it.

A round ball of thin chocolate can have many different fillings like mini marshmallows, instant hot cocoa powder, caramel creme, or crushed peppermints. All you need to do is put the chocolate orb into an empty mug, pour some hot vegetables or classic milk, and add coffee for a unique taste.


If you like these trends, check out more of them at https://treendly.com

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