Tried out PyGame and wrote about my first impressions on it

Choosing a game engine is a pretty important step we all have to make when starting working on a game. Often, we are forced to make it without having enough time and information to make the best decision, so I hope this post will help somebody out there to take a better decision when the time comes.


What is you game engine of choice and why?

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    Nice article! We have been using React Native for both of our games, since they are entirely 2D UI and are relatively simple in terms of game mechanics. Three main reasons for choosing RN:

    1. Difficulty of other platforms. We tried Unity first but found it was quite hard to work with as beginners. Only a couple of our friends knew Unity well, and they weren't going to be working on our projects long term. We figured similar game-specific engines would have the same learning curve.

    2. Familiarity. Our lead dev has a background in web and React, so RN made a lot of sense and was easy to pick up.

    3. Cross platform. This was the biggest advantage for Unity so we wanted something that would also cut our development time in half.

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      Thank you!

      That's right. I don't get why people don't use Javascript more for simple games or UI heavy games. All "traditional" game engines have very clunky UI components and their customization options are poor at best.

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        I think it's becoming more common to make JS-based games. Even when we started ~4 years ago there were only a handful of articles about non-Unity game dev for cross-platform stuff. A lot has changed even from my perspective as someone who didn't know a whole lot about the industry when jumping in.

        Definitely agree on clunky UI stuff. Unity was really a pain to get it to look nice. RN was so much easier to achieve 1:1 with our design intent. I am hoping more stuff for RN/Flutter/non-game specific engines keep becoming more popular so there's more support for it!

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