Launched a Kickstarter campaign for Fluento


I just launched a Kickstarter campaign on kickstarter for my product Fluento

This is my first time ever and would love to have some feedback from you guys, is there anything you would change from it?

I'm really wondering if Kickstarter was a good choice, since most of the projects that get funded there are either more creative/games, or more hardware oriented. Not so many webs or apps get funded. But I think asking for 2.7k€ is nothing crazy and quite reachable, compared to all the other projects asking for +10k.

To get to know the campaign, I have added a link to it with a banner on my site (https://www.fluento.net) and distributed it through my email newsletter!

Anyways, would love to hear what you guys think.

p.s.: for people launching Kickstarter campaigns in the future, be careful since there are some people putting and taking money from them. All my hopes went away when I went from 50€ to 0€ in 1h. I really don't trust any of the funding until the campaign is closed.

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