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How Reddit built its empire on 500 bucks?

They got $12,000 from Y Combinator and moved into apartment in Medford.

They spent $500 on stickers. This was the only investment the company made in marketing.

Now in 2021 they has 430 million users.

While it might seem ridiculously simple, you can actually create a giant user base by giving away free stickers and placing them where people can see them publicly.

When Alexis Ohanian launched the community site Reddit, he spent $500 on stickers. This was the only investment the company made in marketing.

He traveled around the country, putting them in visible places and even giving them away to strangers. This unique marketing tactic was how Reddit grew into the site it is today.

Now in 2021 reddit has 430 million users.

Reddit is sixth most popular social networking Mobile App in US.

More than half of reddit desktop traffic comes from US users.

The best time to post on reddit are in the mornings on weekends and Mondays.

Reddit posts with title length between 20 and 80 characters perform the best.

How much is the average time you spend on Reddit in a week (Comment below) ?


  1. 1

    Nice info.. been a redittor for 5 years now. Love the site although moderation sucks at time for some groups. I spend around 5-6 hours there on average.

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