Are You Remembering it Wrong? Or Is the World Right?

There's a phenomenon when many people remember something in a way that's different from how it actually happened.

It's like a big shared memory mistake. Do you know what is it?

The Mandela Effect.

For example, many people remember a popular children's book series about a family of bears as the "BerenstEin Bears," but it's actually spelled "BerenstAin Bears."

Personal experience

  • Onix: Onix is a long, snake-like Pokémon made of rock and ground types. It's been part of the Pokémon franchise since the beginning.

  • Onyx: Now, here's where the Mandela Effect comes into play. Some people remember a variation of Onix, but with a "Y" in the name, spelling it as "Onyx."

They may even recall this version from the original Pokémon games and cards.

The twist is that there's no Pokémon named "Onyx" in the official Pokémon universe.

The correct name has always been "Onix" without the "Y." The presence of the Mandela Effect is in how many individuals have shared this incorrect memory, thinking that they once encountered or collected a Pokémon named "Onyx." 😭

The Mandela Effect shows how lots of people can remember things wrong together. In business, it's like everyone thinking something about customers or trends that might not be true.

It teaches us to be careful with assumptions & facts before making big decisions. It's a reminder that what everyone thinks (like business advises on the web) isn't always right!

(This article originally was written in Psych Newsletter)

  1. 2

    Mandela effect is interesting...

  2. 2

    That's true. That's why User Interviews are important.

    1. 1

      Indeed, they are. A lot of the times we fall into the 'assumptions' trap.

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