Catastrophising in Psychology

When someone assumes that the worst will happen.

Often, it involves believing that you’re in a worse situation than you really are.

Someone might worry that they’ll fail an exam. Or when you think you will have a bad PH launch.

From there, you might assume that failing an exam means you’re a bad student & bound to never pass.

This might conclude that you'll never be financially stable. 😰

But here's the thing, Many successful people have failed exams, and failing an exam isn’t proof that you won’t be able to find a job.

A person who is catastrophising will not be able to acknowledge that. 🤷🏻‍♂️

So how do you combat it? By Being mindful about it which is a sure-shot way to handle such situations. That's all about Catastrophising! ✨

Do you catastrophise? 👇

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