What is the right time to quit something?

After spending 1.5 years at a good company I decided to quit the job. The only reason was I wanted to explore and wanted to get more exposure to the design industry.

But, I left the old job without having any offer in my hand. This was my biggest mistake because after that I struggled a lot to find a new job!

My question to you guys "What is the right time to quit something?"

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    I am not familiar with the job market in Delhi but in the Berliner startup scene work durations of around 2 years seems to be the norm.

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    That is a very generic question. There's a never a right time to quit. Depending on where you live, what you're good at and what references you have, it might be a wise decision to wait until you have something lined up. My advice would be to keep a steady, part-time 9-5 job that pays the bill, so you do not have the pressure to make the leap... On the other hand, if you are tangled up in a day job, you might never have the ressources/mindspace to create your own venture properly - some might say. Most importantly, it must suit to you and your feeling of how much risk you take and what the jobmarket hold.

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