What is the best time to post and my latest shot...

Hey all 👋

I've just posted my latest shot, which got me thinking of a few things:

  1. What is the best time to post? 🤔
  2. Have you ever tried and had any luck with boosted shots?

I mostly use my shots just for sharing (and get likes or new followers) but now with our new product, I'm trying to use Dribbble as a leads generator. So has anyone had any luck with that in the past?

And here is my shameless plug...
You would be awesome if you could like and share my latest shot. ❤️ And of course, I will return the favour 😎


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    I'd say post it when you expect most of your followers to see it soonest - that's if you want to get the initial push. But I wouldn't bother too much, Dribbble is all about growing your profile, and you can only do that with consistent posting and quality shots...

    I've tried boosted once when it came out, but it was absolute trash :D

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      Thanks for the advice dude, yeah I tried a boosted shot once and for the life of me I can't remember how it performed so obviously wasn't great. 🙈

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    I liked and followed. New to dribble, how do you share?

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      Thanks dude, I returned the favour. Its the little share icon on a post. ✌️

  3. 1

    I came across a lot of blogs before, but recently Dribbble has changed a lot way than i can think 🙄

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    This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

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      Thanks for that ✌️

      I didn't even notice, the squared-off 🙈, gonna fix that right now.

      Yeah, it is pricey but if the conversion rate was high then maybe it would be worth it. I'm not sure is really it.

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