The Web3 marketing stack: The next big wave in crypto

For web3 startups to thrive, their marketing teams will need to spend marketing dollars to acquire users efficiently. Existing marketing technology won’t work for web3.

  1. 4

    Totally agree with this author. There's a lot of opportunity for indie hackers building marketing tools for Web3.

    "There’s an entire marketing ecosystem for startups to build - and it will explode as all the venture dollars web3 startups have raised rushes to find new users."

    The user acquisition channels for Web3 are totally different than that of Web2 in large part because of anonymity, and of using tokens for user acquisition.

    Web3 marketing

  2. 1

    Thanks a lot for the article! But now, when brands are just moving to web3, marketers need to manage the marketing funnel. It would be nice to find or create a system to calculate the cost-effectiveness of web2 and web3 marketing to attract contributors.

  3. 1

    Hate to say it, but Web3 just feels like a scam.

    I agree with a Forrester analysis on Web3.

    1. Scammers are running the show.
    2. The guiding principles are contradictory and confounding.
    3. People who lose money in decentralized systems want help from outside authorities to resolve the problem.

    This is a great summary of their perspective: https://www.techrepublic.com/article/danger-ahead-forrester-warns-that-web3-is-a-mix-of-scammers-and-conflicting-priorities/

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