Looking for buyer for my ai tool (Chrome Extension).

Looking for buyer for my ai tool. Please check the tool below,


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    Bro, Try to sell complete source code to the users, its is so beneficial for you.
    5 days ago, I built my own AI tool and start selling complete source code, so people can resell it or use it or any thing they want.
    and I make $50 to $100 every day.

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      Where can I sell the code?

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      Where do you sell your code?

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      Yes, that makes sense. A good idea...

  2. 1

    I suggest you increase the user base to get a better deal from the buyer, especially if you planned to place this in the acquirement platform, more revenue stream is more likely to get acquired faster and with higher value.

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      Agreed. A lot of what buyers are looking for is that a product has paying users and the potential for growth.

      And since it seems relevant you might want to check out my project ExtensionPay which makes it really easy to add payments / free trials / subscriptions / etc to browser extensions.

  3. 1

    I would suggest putting your tool on a marketplace like Acquire or GetAcquired. There are a lot of buyers who are willing to buy a product.

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