Product for sale, earning $3k MRR

Do you have any interest in the NoCodeAPI.com acquisition?

  • 23k users
  • $3k MRR
  • Organic growth (40-80 users per day) Google
  • 2 years old.

DM me on Twitter @mddanishyusuf

  1. 4

    Why are you selling it?

  2. 3

    I remember you guys did pretty well on PH launch in 2020, what makes you want to exit?

  3. 3

    I’m as curious as @SeaCat and @yaroslawbagriy. @mddanishyusuf, what makes you want to sell the site? Looks like it’s doing well to me. Just feeling like moving on to other things or is the market not as expected in some way?

  4. 2

    What are you asking for it?

  5. 1

    List NodeCodeAPI at AcquireBase.com. I'd be happy to share it with the buyers' community.

  6. 1

    yeah, looks pretty nice

  7. 1

    What is the asking price? Seems like a super amazing deal by the way. This product is similar to like Zapier?

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