How do you generate warm leads? - My 3 ideas

I have been recently been looking into it and have tried these methods:

Hi, Been playing around with generating leads recently and have found a couple of tricks that make this easier. No one wants to be sold to and these are mainly tricks that allow you to make it more natural to engage.

Native content:
Native content is content that adds to the conversation in a certain forum. The goal for sales here is to post in the certain forum that makes mentioning your project or something very project related easy.

1: People feel less sold to
2: The better you add to the community the better the advertising
3: Build up a long term sales funnel

1: You are invading someone's space for profit

Changed Jobs:
I have been playing around with this more and more and it seems highly effective. If you use a CRM software like HubSpot you can use tools to keep track of people's job movements that you have a repor with already and the person moving can bring your product to a new company. This is especially efficient for B2B sales.

1: Pre-established repor makes connecting easier
2: Can bring new customers at new company

1: Keeping track of peoples job movements is expensive or time-consuming

Niched contacting:
Niched contacting is the biggest hit-and-miss method as 90% of people won't reply. You can try to increase the warmth of the conversion by being personal and very specific to people's niches. Write down your customer exactly and try to find where they hang out and contact them through the space.

1: Can act as validation for your product
2: Easy to get started and to talk to people 1 on 1

1: It can feel like you are selling something really quickly
2: Most people wont reply

That are the methods that I have tried out so far what have your tried and what is your favorite way?

How do you warm your leads up?

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    One thing I have been trying is the niched contacting, but offering an extra incentive so I can get more responses. For example, I created a survey with relevant questions to gain my target market's insight, and if they participate I send them a $5 Starbucks gift card. It could get expensive quickly, but so far it has been worth it just to gain more info and generate a handful of very warm leads.

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      I really like that idea! I have worked mainly in face-to-face meetings. Have you had good experiences with surveys?

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        Honestly, I am still experimenting to make them more effective, but for sure a better experience than before without them!

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    Based on my experience and the people that grew their saas into 7 figure arr.

    Sales funnels, strategic partnership , outbound sales team seems to be the best way to generate leads. I can elaborate more on a specific topic

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    These are actually great pieces of advice! Networking, especially personalised networking, can be very effective in turning cold leads into scolding hot ones 😁

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