Thoughts from a bear market

What I wish I had done during the bull markets.

Evidence continuously shows that people have a short memory. Here are just 2 examples:

a) Elections in democracy
b) Trading behavior during bull markets.

While writing this the market is going down badly,so I decided to act on b) and write down what I wish I had done before the market plummet and make a public commitment on it.

1. Taking profits (the most obvious)

It is not about not hodl-ing, It is about risk management. One can sell 10% of a position and continue to hodl 90%.
So take at least 10% profits according to PREDEFINED targets.

2. Rebalancing my portfolio

Having good intuition (some call it luck) on a project / token will take you this far. Don’t fall in love with it, DYOR and reinvest part of your profit to other projects like:

  • Projects you already are invested in
  • New projects with good fundamentals and high potential
  • Maybe just a bit of gambling to have some fun(very small percentage)

3. Boring is Not Bad

Some of us have an urge to do something… anything…when markets go up. Jumping on the new shilled token, bringing more money to the table for “the next big thing”, etc…. You don’t have to. Stick to your plan, see (1) and (2) and #KISS (keep it simple and stupid). Boring is not bad when it comes to trading.

4. Be aware of top signals

Watch out for over increasingly optimistic tweets when price hits all time highs and follow some pragmatic people that have a healthy pessimism (I’m not talking about bears)

So this is what I feel I should have done differently just a few weeks ago when the market was up and we were all dreaming of financial freedom, lambos and other juicy stuff.

I hope you found this useful. Feel free to add any other ideas or questions on the comments. 🙏

Also, follow me on Twitter for more on this topics.

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