Most Popular Domain Extensions

When we think of the most popular domain extensions (TLD's), we have to think about them in two different respects.

1.Registrations: volume or total number of domain names that have been registered in a particular TLD because of popularity. Or maybe some other circumstance that has nothing to do with popularity or affinity for a particular extension.

2.Usage: What TLD's are people actually using to build their online business, blog/site or projects with because of popularity, born out of what the extension represents or means to an industry or group of people. An example would be .la, which is the ccTLD for Laos but some have repurposed the domain to stand for L.A. (Los Angeles).

The reason I say this about TLD's is because on the surface, certain extensions would appear have a lot of usage (developed into actual legitimate websites) if you were to just look at it based on number of registrations. TLD's such as .gq and .tk have massive amounts of registrations but are not well known and do not have a tremendous amount of reputable sites built with those Tld's. As opposed to .gg which has a small amount of registrations but has legit sites and businesses built using that extension especially by a specific industry/community, which we will dig into a little bit later.

What is a TLD: Top level domains are the suffix or extension at the end of the domain name. E.g. the part of the domain that is the last dot and the letters or characters that come after, such as .com, .net, .org and so on.

There are also country code top level domains (ccTLD's) that are typically two characters in length (but can be longer like .co.uk)and are representative of the country they are assigned to.

What is the purpose of a TLD: TLD's were designed to represent a particular industry and/or entities in a certain sector, such as .com for commercial or .mil for military. They also can represent a geographic location/area like .us for United States or .fr for France.

Popular Domain Extensions: So, in regard to the most popular domain extensions, the number one and obvious extension is .com. The most recognizable businesses on the planet are established on the extension and is often the go to when people want to establish their online presence. However, remember what I said earlier about .tk and .gq, well, according to DomainNameStat.com, .tk comes in at 2nd place with 26,535,402 domain name registrations. The .gq extension is still in the top 25 ranking at the number 19 spot with 5,461,937 registrations.

To read the remaining post click https://www.brandful.net/domain-name-blog/popular-domains

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