Amplication - Instantly generate quality node.js code with GraphQL and REST API - Open Source project


Hello, co-founder here: as a backend developer I've had to develop web APIs for various projects over the years. Before I could spend any time on designing and testing my business logic, I had to invest hours into making sure my boilerplate code was valid and provisioning infrastructure, not to mention setting up my cloud environment.

We built Amplication so that developers like us could focus on coding the parts that really matter, rather than get distracted by undifferentiated heavy lifting. Amplication is an open-source tool that lets you design your data schema and in return, it generates for you a human-readable and editable TypeScript Node.js codebase. This server codebase includes a GraphQL API, REST API, authorization, authentication, admin UI, users management, logging utility, error handler, and much more right out of the box.

we generate your server code dynamically based on changes in your schema.
You can download the generated code or continuously push it to a GitHub repository to continue off and edit it further on your own.

For your convenience, we use a web UI to manage this whole operation and it is available for the community as a managed service on https://app.amplication.com, or you can run your own Amplication server.
I’ll be more than happy to answer any questions you may have and get your feedback.

posted to
Open Source
on January 13, 2021
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