The Nft hustle/Grinder

The Nft hustle can be both rewarding and stressful, from the chase for early mints to the finesse that is involved in bidding and negotiating your way into already established collections, this can be alot for any newbie.

🚨 Problem

  • Most High Earning individuals who want to get on the NFT train find it incredibly difficult to handle the hustle involved in getting into the most promising collections i.e discord grind , Community participation for Whitelist and sometimes even setting up a wallet properly and the security involved in keeping your assets safe can be a difficult situation for most.

  • Wealthy individuals who want to get into established NFT’s collections ( for example BAYC).have found the task quite daunting and time consuming.

⛹️‍♂️ Market Player

 MoonPlay Concierge (Source)

*The Moonpay concierge Targets high earning individuals who aim to acquire digital assets but don’t want to go through the stress and struggle.

*Using the Celebrity route they gain traction and publicity for their service.

💡 Job/Career Opportunities

*They are influencers and Individuals who are willing to pay substantial fees to people who have a great understanding of tools(discord,twitter etc) involved in getting Whitelists and opportunities in the NFT space. These job roles already exist in the Nft space and I believe the discord hustlers are earning well enough.

*Growing relationships with Creatives and Collectors in the NFT space will help you in negotiating and brokering deals when Celebrities/High net worth individuals want to purchase their digital assets.Positioning yourself in that manner can get you paid and /or create a career for you.

*Apply to work at Moonplay concierge or platforms that offer a similar service. They most likely pay well winks .

  1. 1

    Nicee Article... What tactics do you recommend for building relationships with Creatives and Collectors in the NFT space online?

    1. 1

      Thanks a lot 👍🏾.. I would say the best tactics(but not the most liked ), will be to join communities that they belong to and offer assistance for free to various creators you believe in . They will reconginize your value in no time and want you on all future collections/projects they are working on

      1. 1

        Wow. true, this will really require some kind of patience and not many of us have that kind of patience lol. i guess this includes doing things that don't scale like Paul Graham of YC recommends, right?

        1. 1

          Exactly! Building relationships and over extending yourself to ensure each creative/collector really feels the value of the skills you offer will have a wonderful rebound effect for you later

  2. 1

    This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

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