Validate Demand Before Building Your Startup!

Validate Demand Before Building Your Startup!

I recently stumbled upon a crucial lesson that my peers, Sabrina and Neil learned the hard way.

Instead of asking, "Can I build this?" start asking, "Who will pay for this?" It might sound simple, but it can save you from months of wasted effort.

Sabrina poured her heart into a workout app for 6 months, only to realize after launching that no one wanted to pay for it.

Similarly, Neil spent half a year securing VC funds and building an AI ops app, only to find out that people weren't willing to open their wallets for it.

The key takeaway? Validate demand (aka willingness to pay) before diving headfirst into development. It's the fastest route to Product-Market Fit (PMF).

Let me know what you think about this :))

If you're wondering how to do this right, check out Founders Cafe. They've been instrumental in helping founders like Robert, Sarah, Luigi, Harsha, and many others snag their first paying customers before building anything. Some even went on to raise VC capital successfully!

Let's learn from each other's experiences and build startups that people actually want to pay for.

posted to
Solo Entrepreneurship
on December 31, 2023
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