Full-stack Software developer looking for project to contribute to

I have recently played with several different technologies and I'm fairly certain I can create a SAAS web project with backend and Stripe payments.
More specifically: Angular frontend, Firebase backend, alternatively java/node backend with a database + playments via Stripe.

What am I missing is an idea and a person who would be able to market the POC product.

I can also jump on unfinished projects.

What I should be getting from that? Mostly reference and experience. Side money would be a nice plus. I just want to get use of my experience and build and fail fast.

This is my linkedin profile if you are interested: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jan-brus/
(10+ years of various software development experience focusing mostly on frontend)

You can contact me here or via [email protected]

Thank you

  1. 2

    Eager to speak with you, I'm emailing you now.

  2. 1

    Hello, I am student currently in final year of college. I have basic development knowledge. I would like to work with you under some guidance if possible.

    1. 2

      I can invite you to my personal slack where I can help you make up a plan. Send me an email where I can send the invite.

    2. 1

      Actually @osakasaul who just replied above you looks like he has internship you might find useful. He showed me his RiteKit project, so might check it out.

      1. 2

        Sorry, RiteKit internships are closed for the last 4 years. Thanks anyway.

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