UpWork is Garbage

Sites like UpWork treat developers like garbage.

An average hourly rate of $20/hour? 5-20% fees on top of that? Advice to submit 50+ proposals per week?

Even if you're getting clients, you're still leaving tons of money on the table.

I'm creating a new course to show people a better way, including the exact formula I used to make over $350K so far this year.

Check it out here and let me know what you think.

  1. 1

    Hi @timnoetzel,
    Thanks for sharing your experience with Upwork, I was considering using it a few days ago.

    If you were to come up with a developer friendly freelancing platform, what would you do differently?

    Thanks again.

    1. 2

      I'm not sure I would create a "freelancing platform" at all...

      Creating a platform that matches freelancers and clients inherently creates competition which drives prices down.

      Instead, I'm coaching devs on how to find their own clients and turn them into long-term, high-paying customers.

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