Indie hackers selling to indie hackers?

I wrote an article on my newsletter about the trend of indie hackers building up their personal brands in order to sell products and services to other indie hackers. "Lure them in with MRR posts, get their $$$".

What do you think? Do you consider it to be ethical?

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    Let's say those practices are as ethical as <insert industry here> coaches who teach others how to become a <insert industry here> expert as their primary source of income, like drop shipping, Airbnb arbitrage, or digital nomading. I'm sure some offers will provide actual value, though most of them won't.

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    Haha it could end up like a Ponzi scheme, but I think indie hacker money is smart - it only transfers hands if there is real value :)

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    I used to follow some of these indie hackers and seriously considered becoming a part of their paid communities until I realized there's a way to get all that info through free podcasts and interviews. It surprises me how much these people are charging for content that could be found through good research. So, ya, I won't ever pay for another 'see how these indie hackers generated $$$ with 0 employees' kinda content. I have started noticing a pattern in all these stories and most of them follow the same strategies so you don't even learn anything new.

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      yeah, I also follow a bunch I am always avoiding the ones selling things like courses, communities such as accountability buddies or code boilerplates.

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      I found better, free content through the indie hackers podcast. (some of the episodes are really good)

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    It's awesome as long as the services and products are real, genuine and actually deliver value. If it's a scam then it's bad, but that's with everyone, but that's not unique to us.

    I don't know about anyone else, but the more services that can assist me the better.

    Also if anyone needs a tool to be built I'd be interested because I'd rather build for us than build for the general public to be honest.

  5. 1

    I don't think its ethical. In fact they'd probably get hate.

    I love Iasi tho :) Especially Palas

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