What are you going to build this week?

Good Monday morning fellow hackers! ☀️

It is time to set a goal for this week for ourselves.

What are you going to build by the coming weekend? Drum it up aloud in the comments and share your dream projects below.

Weekly goal for me:

My quest for the week is to work on an open-source css framework called Toucaan and implement its css router. Toucaan is quite different from traditional css frameworks like Bootstrap, Bulma, or Tailwind, and while I want to explain how that is, but it is kinda off-topic for this note.

P.S: I'm looking for a collaborator/css aficionado for this project. If you're interested in building a new way of designing apps with Toucaan, please do drop by on my email.

All the best! ❤️

posted to
Goal Setters
on December 14, 2020
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    I'm creating some semblance of onboarding in roadvote.io as well as going through a branding course to give it a little pep. It's rather plain right now and I want it to have some personality!

    p.s I love your little toucan on your site. So cute!

  2. 2

    Great question! This week I'm implementing a custom newsletter course for logology. We've created 5 different email sequences that adapt to 5 startup personas. The goal is to give people an incentive to signup after they took the questionnaire, and give great advice to help them better logo design decisions.

  3. 2

    I decided to put aside some time to work on a product that makes passwordless login easy. Authentication is a burden for most projects, and with magic e-mail login links your users are happy, they can't forget their passwords and you don't have to deal with their passwords either.

    Existing identity providers are ridiculously expensive for small projects: Auth0 and Okta charge hundreds for a few thousand users.. The only real option is Firebase, but it requires a huge buy-in for Firebase, a 150KB library, and has so many dark patterns in terms of pricing (and they may remove their free tier anyday).. I want to build something simple to integrate and affordable for indies, I hope there's enough of a market to make it a small passive business..

    Toucaan looks interesting!

    1. 1

      Thanks for taking a look!

      It's gotta pretty novel lightweight reset that even the awesome Christian Heilmann of Microsoft volunteered to share it on Twitter. 🙂

  4. 2

    I'm a newbie, I'm learning grid, so this week Im gonna create 3 responsive websites using grid and practice JavaScript

    1. 1

      Great! Practice practice practice!

  5. 2

    I have two goals for this week.

    1. Continue to grow my side project uxgigs.co. I was able to double my subscriber list last week (only small numbers at this stage) but I want to continue that momentum. Last week I was exploring LinkedIn ads, so this week I want to try non-paid alternatives such as posting on Twitter.
    2. I'm currently building a proof of concept for an idea I had and I'd like to get that finished this week. This is more to see if I have the technical skills to do it. It'll involved using React, user accounts and databases which is a little out of my comfort zone.
  6. 2

    It's been quite a long time since I worked on Pingr, I mean not just fixing small things but entirely dedicate significant time to it.

    Hopefully this week will be productive.

    I want to finish performance monitoring & new monitor overview page.

  7. 2

    Doing a big behind-the-scenes migration for SongRender so I can simplify the UX!

  8. 2

    I putting the videos of my recent virtual event behind a private site.

    • WordPress for website
    • Maybe JWPlayer for video player
    • Converting videos to HLS and hosting them, maybe on Backblaze or DO Spaces
    • Custom-coding some expiring link with signature key to the video files
    • Add users to the site and allow them to create a password. These are users from the event.
    • Probably need to find / create some user access plugin

    Yep, that's me.

    p.s. ~ Toucaan seems interesting. Checking it out.

  9. 1

    Packaging code scripts for sale at DevZero marketplace.

    My goal is to publish at least 3 services that I have been using.
    Please check it out - https://devszero.com/.

  10. 1

    My goal this week is to learn more about GraphQL and create a website using it. To do that I'm going to be building a headless blog CMS that developer can query using GraphQL.

  11. 1

    We have 2 goals for this week:

    1. Translate our new site to English and other languages.
    2. Integrate it with app. Migrate site to the root and app to the sub-domain.
    3. Write news about the new site on handypolls page. (easiest)
  12. 1

    I am going to make an app for myself where I can take concrete actions and advice from books and vids to action and put them to action using in a systematic way.

    The first course I want to work on will be to master self-discipline https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0x3piG_QRo . For this you need to write some things down, do some daily things and my app is going to help me with that:)
    Maybe I will make it public one day if it works for me.

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