Blog: Should I write in English or in my native language?

I am from Poland. I'm writing my blog in English because I believe that's a better way to help more people and get a more diversified audience. I also aim to build international businesses. However, I feel like I could get a wider following writing in polish much faster. That said I don't want to be just a local expert. Does anyone have any experience with a similar dillema?

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    The question here is if you write in Polish and have a wider following, would that audience be aligned with the business you want to build? When we are talking about an audience, the basis of competition is alignment before the size of it.

    So, in my opinion (note the opinion part), the answer is "you should continue to blog in English (since you want to build an international business). And the question you should be asking (instead) is "Why writing in Polish would bring bigger returns in a shorter time? What are the forces that are in play and how can I carry over those effects to blogging in English?"

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      Great comment, I actually followed a similar way of thinking.

      I definitely have a stronger network in Poland and could benefit of a very easy media coverage. I have a wide range of contacts across the media board.

      I won't be able do gain lifetime relationships internationally but Ill be sure to try to get to know more people. Also Im thinking about writing for some influential publications.

      Thanks, really good point of view.

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