Any way Tailwind can provide a filterable select box?

I would like to include a select box in a form that is searchable. The experience is like this: https://vue-select.org/

This Vue select box looks good but the build is quite large (~20kb). It doesn't support Vue 3 yet. I would like to see if there are any alternatives.

Can Tailwind css / component help me to develop it easily? Any component is out of the box?

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    You can find inspiration here for your needs: https://tailwindcomponents.com/component/dropdown-with-search-box

    This also, but I'm not 100% sue it supports Vue 3: https://www.vue-tailwind.com/docs/rich-select

    You'll just have to add the search logic afterwards

    1. 1

      Thanks! Will take a look

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    Do you need the functionality or the design of it instead?

    1. 1

      I am going to put a long list of data, probably 10 - 100 rows. So the filterable drop-down feature is good for me. Now I just stick the standard html select box

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