How do you create meaningful connections on Twitter?

Recently, I've started focusing on the growth of my Twitter
What are your personal growth hacks?

Also, I'm facing difficulties in optimizing the Engagements on tweets, how are you keeping your engagement high?

This is my Twitter account https://twitter.com/pateldeep_eth, go through it, roast it, and let me know what I'm missing here, and what should I do to actually fix it

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    The best way to get started is to engage with others' content. Experiment with your reply style so that you can find out what works well for you. You can't get followers by posting content if no one is seeing your content.

    1. 1

      Hey buddy, thank you for the great advise

  2. 2

    For me, I do a lot of commenting on other people's posts and following them. With the ppl that already follow me, I also comment frequently and like their posts. It encourages engagement.

    Feel free to follow btw: https://twitter.com/TheRealEtch

    1. 1

      Hey buddy, thank you for the great advise

  3. 1

    Hey Patel,

    Just had a look at your account.

    Truth be told that you have more followers than I do on Twitter.

    Yet, my Twitter account with less than 100 followers brings in a small but decent-sized amount of revenue for me.

    If you're looking for revenue rather than just vanity metrics (likes, shares etc.) then there are three things that are important.

    I wrote an article on here about it the other day that you might find useful. Rather than write it all out again here I'll just post the link - https://www.indiehackers.com/post/steal-the-tweet-that-made-me-4-figures-in-revenue-with-less-than-100-followers-on-twitter-cd1b6afe0b

    Hope that helps.



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