Software Engineer looking for sales and marketing co-founder

Hey awesome people! I'm on the lookout for a co-founder to inject some fresh ideas into the mix for a product that's already in the works. If you're the creative mind with experience in sales and marketing, I'd love to connect! Let's have a chat, brainstorm, and prepare some amazing plans together!

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    Students rely heavily on software for various academic tasks, from word processing and data analysis to note-taking and collaboration. These tools streamline workflows and enhance productivity, making learning more efficient and effective.

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    Hi guys! I am also looking for a sales and marketing co-founder for my website.

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    I am always pleased to meet new and motivated people.
    I have a background in communication and marketing, and a well-established digital agency of my own in Italy. Let me know if you are interested in finding out if we can become partners.

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      late to reply but if you still want to connect please email me at [email protected]

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    Can do, but what does your product do? Got a link?

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    Hi there! I'm interested in hearing more about your projects. With a background in sales, marketing & growth hacking, I'm keen to see how we can collaborate. Let's connect and discuss further! you can reach me at [email protected]

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    hey everyone - i'm also looking for a marketing partner. product built and selling. in the digital business card space (b2b).

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    Hey mate,

    Happy to have a chat at garygerardy @ gmail

    Worked 2 years at London advertising agencies as a conceptual creative
    2 years at an e-commerce startup as a creative manager (marketing/sales + communication)
    And 1 year at the European Parliament as a creative copywriter.

    Let's connect, I want to know more! :)

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      Hey mate - can we chat? I'll drop you an email now. Look out for one from pawan.

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    contact me, let talk ajibola.akeukereke (at) xprimoi. co

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    Hi, would love to talk. Email me at: johnfrisr .off @ gmail (no spaces)

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    Hey Goomies, happy to connect over email easonlai2@gmail. co m . Interested to know what you're working on. Thanks!

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    Heya Goomies, think we could chat a bit if you have time! Let me know how best I can reach you.

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      Email is dclark312 @gmail.com from there maybe we can get on slack

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        Saw this just now; yup just sent you an invite :)

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