Cryptography from Scratch without math

It is interesting how I never looked at cryptography during my major because I love most of the mathematical theories that support this field.

About a year ago, I started getting interested in crypto and Ethereum. I have enjoyed a lot since then building and learning. But the most incredible discovery for me was the liberating power of cryptography.

I also think that understanding cryptography is a necessary first step when getting started with "technical crypto" and that it will be a must-have knowledge for everybody in the future as our lives become more digital.

That's why I started to think about the best way to teach basic cryptography without assuming any mathematical background or using technical terms. The first of that efforts is this article that explains symmetric and public-key cryptography from scratch.

Of course, there are a lot of missing details that I'll be covering in the future, as soon as I figure out how to explain them in a simple yet rigorous manner.

This is the link in case you are interested (any feedback or comment is very welcome):


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