Advice on ending sales demo that can close the deal?

Last week I did my first sales demo to a company for my product, Coparrot https://coparrot.dev. It went great, and got positive responses and feedback. But it didn't end up with them subscribing.

Before the presentation, I asked around and got some useful advices from here https://www.indiehackers.com/post/advice-for-sales-demo-79c8e9c1a2

It was my first time doing a sales demo, so I think I lack the skill to end the demo which could end up with them subscribing. Any practical advice on this? Like, do I need tell them to subscribe to a plan immediately? How to do that without sounding pushy and desperate?

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    End the call with “Based on your sentiment it seems like the product might work for your needs, is there anything that would prevent you from buying/signing up today/this week?”

    Give them the ability (and the opening) to say why they might not buy. This works well as you get an answer right away instead of them ghosting.

    And if they say “no everything was great I might sign up” then you can be like “awesome let’s get you onboarded right now - do you have a credit card handy?”

    This sequence is used by many companies to get quick closes. If you want to build more of a relationship and not make it so transactional/pushy leave out the asking for a credit card aspect. As always tweak to suit your style/personality.

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    I've been in this stage myself. Can share everything I learned from doing hundreds of calls for the previous employer and from 80 interviews I made for my own products. Let's connect on Twitter.

    Short answer - it should be less of a sale to make them buy.

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      Hey Denis, I like what you've been posting on IH! I'm curious if you can expand on how to do less of a sale? or point to helpful articles/videos? Thanks

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        Thanks man! You'll find useful tips inside denisshatalin.com/10K and in my recent video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hpCk1c2sC0&t=2s

        Quick tips:

        • invite them for a casual chat
        • ask 7 questions to dig deeper into their situation
        • thank them for insights, share your screen and ask for feedback
        • send a payment link if they like it

        Can go way deeper into detail, just dm me and I'll brainstorm the best way to do it for your product.

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    Demos go well because you run good discovery.

    read this: https://www.profs.co/sales-guide

    If you're looking for a way to close them you could ask "based on what you say today, is there any reason you wouldn't move forward with a license?"

    you'll get feedback if they hesitate or you'll get them to commit

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