What do you think about a platform where freelancers exchange warm client introductions via email?

Freelancing is hard. Getting your first few clients is hard. Not only that, it's difficult maintaining enough clients to the point of always having a gig (ie without days or weeks of no gigs).

Would a platform where freelancers introduce one another to their clients help? I believe warm introductions like that will be more likely to convert into gigs. Warm introductions (https://www.forbes.com/sites/susanobrien/2019/02/22/how-to-increase-your-odds-of-success-with-a-warm-introduction/?sh=1eb4d3574e89) are highly recommended. The ubiquity of referral programs also seem to lend weight to the effectiveness of warm introductions.

The platform would work like this;
A freelancer user adds a client (whom they have a relationship with but may not have any active gigs with) and selects another freelancer user, based on their portfolio, to receive the introduction (sent automatically via email by the platform). In turn, the recipient freelancer would do the same for another user. In the end, every user gets at least one warm introduction. A few stars whose portfolio stand out will get multiple introductions. Each client will be introduced to a maximum of two freelancers: most will be introduced to just one freelancer.

The platform would focus on only one segment of freelancers, say layout&print graphic designers.

I understand some freelancers may dread the thought of losing their client to another freelancer. However, there are guaranteed benefits;

  1. Receive at least one warm intro to a new client likely to convert.
  2. Initiate a professional relationship with another freelancer.

In addition, the introduction email could rekindle the professional relationship between the intro giver and the client they posted, which could lead to another gig.

Critiques, applicable personal anecdotes, relevant market research sources and idea refinements are highly welcome.

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