💡 Imagor/Thumbor addon for Heroku

From edition 31 of Unvalidated Ideas:

Imagor/Thumbor addon for Heroku

Webapps often need to crop, resize and optimize images. A lot of those site are running on Heroku (despite reports to the contrary, Heroku is not dead).

Build a image manipulation/optimization solution for the Heroku market. Offering a solution that is more-or-less "we run Thumbor for you, but cheaper than what it would cost you on Heroku" is surprisingly missing.

If this sounds interesting, maybe consider reading the rest!

posted to
App Ideas
on December 4, 2022
  1. 2

    Some advice. the text on your website is very hard to read. I think you should change it.

    1. 1

      Hey Richard, thanks for mentioning this! Do you mean the text on the main page, or the text on one of the editions?

      Would you mind posting a screenshot? I know I need to rework the landing page...

      1. 1

        The text that was in the link you sent here was hard to read.

        It's mainly the font. Everything else (size, etc) is fine.

        Btw, I'd like some criticism on my website too when I realease. If you have the time, feel free to follow me https://twitter.com/therealetch. I'll def post there when I release.

        Good luck on your website!

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